The development of this conversational artist statement transpired on FB during the bus ride back to RI from NY.
So my work was very well received last night:-)
Several people said when they were trying to envision the artist who made the work they did not expect it to be someone that was so elegant…. Not quite sure what to make of that!
Carol Scavotto So sharing last nights comments with you summarizes my work almost better than most of the many artist statements I write. Identity is only a small part of what you can visually see!
Carol Scavotto Thank you Marie yes it Is a big compliment.
My repeating the comments relates to my work in identifying identity.beyond the packaging …, not just about me. Physicality is a major factor on how a person is categorizes. And in reality it is the area a person has the least control over . -
Sonya Lol I think you stumped em with your beautiful LAYERs lol Carol Scavotto
Carol Scavotto I can not wait to meet you Sonya…. I will be in town from mid Feb throughout the 1 st week in March