Urban Dictionary:
“Aging” is a state of mind and body; aging is defined by our success or failure in the battle our minds and bodies wage against pollution; how we age is defined by our ability to find purity in the world”
It is a fact that throughout a life our visual appearance changes.
There are many general cues we use to evaluate a person’s age; Health, Skin texture, Manner of Dressing, Personal Styling, Slang language, Hair Color ECT….yet there are many people that are old in their 20’s and others that are youthful in their senior years?
What are the subjective qualities that change the perception of age?
Attitude, intelligence, interest, passion all play a part but is there more?
Does the being housed within the outer shell of a person ever really changed, or is it just the exterior that changes?
Is the core being of a person born with a predetermined innate age that can be educated and developed but never changed?
Is the body’s journey through a life the ultimate performance ART?