I take the Peter Pan bus frequently between Providence RI and Port Authority NYC.
This is a 4 hour ride each way often with a full bus of 70 people and a bus drive. In other words a lot of personalities in a confined space.
Each trip is an adventure!
A recorded welcome and rules of the bus plays on each trip.
Rules include: no smoking, limited one minute phone calls, and headphones at all times.
There is one bus driver in particular who can’t stand people on the phone.
During one of my trips with this bus driver a woman was on her phone during the announcement. She continued on her phone loud enough that we all could hear her end of the conversation.
Every 20 minutes the driver would politely ask every one to wrap up their phone calls. This went on and on.
3 hours into the trip the bus driver finally snapped.
He pulled the bus into the breakdown lane in the Bronx’s as cars were wizzing by!
He got out of his seat and when to the woman still talking on her phone. In a booming voice told her to either get off her phone immediately or get off the bus.
The balance of the ride was in total silence.