Carol Blogs



There are times when you are searching for written material to support one’s thoughts and then you realize they are only your thoughts and you need to be the one to share them.

In my work/life I am continually searching for why and how people and myself are classified by the packaging we were born into.

Ism’s shape our self image and the slot we are put into in society.

The ism list fill volumes and contain atrocities beyond my comprehension yet some of the ism’s that surround me in a 1st world country are:

Sexism, racism, classism, ageism, genderism, economicism, attractivnessism, socialism, eductionism and many more…..Yes I know several examples are not  not real words but the stereotyping exists.

Those born with the packaging that has the predominant strength of their environment are shielded or maybe the better word is blinded by their own protection.

I am not trying to make a point of alter your viewpoint. I just continue my search for the being hiding just being the facade.