Secret definition
Something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others.
Secrets can be precious or they can be poison.
Something that is ours alone. The sharing of which will include another being into ones essence of survival.
The cloak of privacy enhances our fantasies, a secret love, a ritual, a fear, a social difference.
What we hold secret keeps us separate and alone.
A secret offers an implied power, a strength, a sense of individual importance?
The same power turned inward becomes destructive. Hiding hurt, loneliness, sadness and despair.
Exposing a secret dilutes its power.
Sin definition
An action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible such as murder, rape, prejudice, and hate.
The act of sharing a secret of this magnitude to another human being implies absolution from ones actions
Attempting to release one from the burden of guilt by transferring ownership of the action to the SIN EATER