Carol Blogs




Stating up front I have zero tolerance for abuse, manipulation, extortion of power,  prejudice, harboring of hate or in anyway intentionally creating discomfort for another living being.

As an extrovert I am often questioned why I visually share a great deal of information yet so seldom give my verbal opinion.

The other day I had a very brief exchange with an associate which made me question how I may be viewed by others.

In a nutshell the exchange consisted of ….I was flashy, accessible, can easily pull information from others yet reveal almost nothing of my personal thought process, opinions on politics, religion, and major social topics. (staying true to my own humor…maybe I should have been a host of an interview show)

Does my extreme privacy sometimes lead to mistrust?

All of that is true of me. I am extremely interested and tolerant of other people’s opinions and view a topic from as many angles that hold my interest ….yet an opinion is just that…one person’s point of view. Everyones opinion should be 100% correct for them.

YET….There is always another way, another viewpoint, another reason!!!

Trying to force one’s opinions on another is a form of vying for power and manipulation.

Our opinions are formed over a lifetime, each of us having an alternate set of priorities, joys, physicality, living conditions, fear factors, thought process, different initial input, hidden helping hands and circumstances that hurt. Opinions are arrived at by depths we will never be completely aware of.

I am often in environments that I do not speak the verbal language. Yet opinions come across found a clear…..often clearer because the nuance of word use can not be miscued.

In reality I am very verbal about my ever evolving and maturing opinions in the language I speak the best which is visual.